TechSenary Journal of Engineering & Research


Experimental Investigations on Evaporative Cooler


The phenomenon of evaporative cooling is a common process in nature, In fact, it meets the objective with low energy consumption, being compared to the primary energy consumption of other alternatives for cooling, as it is simply based in the phenomenon of reducing the air temperature by evaporating water on it. The proposed research envisages the design of evaporative cooling system, to find cooling capacity, to find cooling efficiency/saturation efficiency, optimization of influence parameter such as air flow rate, No. of cooling pads, water flow rate. Evaporative cooling is an energy efficient and environmentally friendly air conditioning technology. Direct evaporative cooling systems is a technology which involves adiabatic humidification and cooling of air with supplementary heat exchange facilities to lower final air temperature and try to reduce relative humidity.


Evaporative cooling, Sensible Heat, Latent Heat, DBT, WBT

Date of publication:



A. Pandhare, D. Kekare

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