TechSenary Journal of Engineering & Research


Influence of venture type weir on air demand ratio


Aeration is a process of increasing the contact between water and air to release entrained gases, adding oxygen, and improving overall characteristics of water. Hydraulic structures improve aeration efficiency on account of high turbulent mixing along with intense bubble entrainment due to inherent geometry of such structures. Weir is the most classic example of a hydraulic structure where aeration occurs and the aeration properties of such a structure has been widely studied in the laboratory and field over a number of years. The present paper investigates the effect of the venturi weir type on air−demand ratio. The results indicate that the venturi weirs are highly effective in terms of air−demand ratio but however, the venturi weir type do not have a significant effect on air−demand ratio. Moreover, regression equations are obtained for the venturi weirs relating air−demand ratio to jet Froude number.


Aeration, air−demand ratio, venturi, weir

Date of publication:



Akshay Phalle, Swaminathan M.

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