TechSenary Journal of Engineering & Research


Nano Particle Application in Solar Absorber Plates


This Paper explores theoretical issues of heat transfer in nanoparticles and an experimentation done to investigate heat absorption by nanoparticles. The aim is to increase heat absorption of solar flat plate collector by using nanoparticles. It includes the selection of Nano particles their literature survey, properties, methods of synthesis & preparation of nanoparticles. Designing of the setup is done considering economy, scaling & required safety measures. The boxes to keep the flat plate collector were designed considering the scale of 1:10 for dimensions; another isolated box was so designed that nanoparticles should not get exposed to atmosphere while operating on it. Readings were taken under open terrace for sunlight being exposed directly on the plates.
Type of nanoparticles & there quantity was finalized as per total budget. Aluminum & copper nanoparticles of 25gm each were selected, that will be applied on 12 separate aluminum plates in different proportions. For 4 plates aluminum nanoparticles & for next 4 plates copper nanoparticles & next 4 plates will be mixture of copper &aluminum nanoparticles & the remaining one would be painted by black board paint same as current solar air dryer setup.


Absorber, Solar, Nano particles, Scaling

Date of publication:



V. Joshi, R. Kumbhar

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