TechSenary Journal of Engineering & Research


Design and Development of heat Pipe Test Rig


The heat pipe is becoming one of the most valuable tools of the heat transfer engineering. A Heat pipe uses the principles of both thermal conductivity and phase transition. Due to the high capacity to heat transfer, heat exchanger with heat pipes has become much smaller than traditional heat exchangers in handling high heat fluxes. The article presents an introduction to the basic characteristics of heat pipes, their method of functioning, design of heat pipe and various operating limitations of heat pipe. The sections on the selection of fluids, pipe materials, and wick materials indicate the logic used in the design of the heat pipes. This report gives the motive of analysis of heat pipe. The final test results will demonstrate the actual performance of the pipes and it will indicate the comparison between effective thermal conductivities of simple heat pipe and heat pipe with fin.


Heat Pipe, Wick, Capillary Limit, Sonic Limit, Viscous Limit

Date of publication:



A. G. Kotewar, T.S. Mahajan, S. S. Gupta, O. S. kadam

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